Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Services

We held a Christmas Eve service at the Fort Miller church at 3:00 pm. We held it this early because some of our congregation cannot drive after dark and it starts getting dark about 4:30. There were about 15 people there with one person attending who was probably not a believer. A person in our congregation put together an audio visual presentation that involved some audience participation but also included movie clips and special music. My sermon was about light and dark and we ended the service with a candlelighting. The service went very nicely. I am not sure if it was 'worth it' in terms of maximum impact for time invested, but my gut is that it was valuable to do something well on Christmas Eve. It was another 'win' in the healing process of this church.

At Chestertown we saw the same audio visual presentation, the same sermon and the candlelighting ceremony, but it was all different. More people sang, there were kids and teens laughing and running around and we did the candlelighting in a circle. At the end of my sermon I asked for people who needed God's light to drive out their darkness to look up at me so that I could pray for them - five people indicated that they needed God's light. This is one of the first times there has been any kind of spiritual response at either church. Pastor Jon was able to deliver Christmas gifts to a needy family while the kids were at the Christmas Eve service. Both churches were involved in providing these kids with a very nice Christmas. This service was definitely 'worth it'.

It feels like I am called to do what is right and healthy for these churches whether they really respond or not. There is something to just following the correct procedures with excellence no matter what the response. My sense is that both of these churches have had times in their past where a pastor tried something like a Christmas Eve service and they became discouraged by the results so they slowly stopped trying. I think that consistently reaching to the congregation with love and truth will gradually affect them and those who they touch.

We are going to begin Bible studies at both churches in the new year. Fort Miller is not used of studies like this, they have responded very well to the one study I led. I am going to offer this next study during a daytime and an evening. My sense is that I need to be reaching to where they are right now and that in time they will reach to where others are too. At Chestertown we will be offering an evening Bible study. This church basically grew out of a Bible study five years ago, so it is part of it's DNA, but through the parade of pastors and leaders over the past years the concept of spiritual growth and evangelism through Bible studies has been lost. This might sound strange, but at this point in the development of these churches it really does not matter how many people turn out for any of these studies. It matters that we are offering an excellent opportunity for these congregations to grow in the Lord. Even if they do not attend the studies they will hear back around about how we led the studies with love and excellence and about the truth that was shared from God's word.

Merry Christmas! Pastor James

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